Saturday, October 5, 2019

7 Quick Tips to implement your Exit Strategy for New Beginnings

The days when people worked for the same organization for 20 years are over ever since people began to realize that they the opportunity to earn money based on their multiple talents. This concept started a movement which included online training and education programs, skills workshops for working professionals and detail assignments which allow you to learn other skills to prepare you for the next level career move.

So what happens when you finish the advance professional training, you complete the stretch-assignment tasks that make your organization look great and land the new job? While "winging it" is one approach, it may come off a self-centered.

Leaders tend to have a mini action plan outlining what happens next before the new career launch.
Moreover, a sensible Exit Strategy helps foster a smooth transition between your old organization and new one.

In the field we call this the "Close Out Process."  How does this work?

7 Exit Strategy Quick Tips 

  1. Create a plain language transition plan outlining your recent annual goals and accomplishments 
  2. Communicate with existing leadership team and be responsive to their questions and comments so they have a good baseline on what needs to happen after you leave
  3. Archive old files so that they are accessible to your old team 
  4. Connect with your new supervisor(s) to learn what their priorities will be and your requirements even before you get to your desk on day one 
  5. Learn the lingo, review the latest news and info about your new job so you are well-versed in their most prolific activities 
  6. Reach out to your former internal contacts to announce your departure and share lessons learned 
  7. Don't burn bridges before you leave the old job to start the new one. Respectfully communicate with everyone, even those who were not so nice while you worked at the old job. Remember to rise when others do not because your work will always represent your best efforts. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

7 Signs It's Time for Mid-Career Training Refresh

Everyone has peaks and valleys in their career fields, no matter their official title. Some employees start from the bottom and end up becoming the boss over time due to their innovative approach to resolving issues. Others take a stance and lead from the middle and end up moving mountains in support of the organizational annual goals without the need of having an "official title."

There are numerous examples of some staff who excel with or without titles because they are simply great  leaders who remember that learning is a continuous process in life and work. They also recognize when its time to take a pause and proactively refresh their talents.

So how do you know when it's time to enhance your work skills? When you stop being creative every day due to complacency, then it's time to enhance your skills. Check out the list below and kick start your career goals with fresh perspective.

7 Signs It's Time for a Mid-Career Training Refresh

  1. Workdays on Autopilot: If you arrive at work everyday and proceed with your tasks in the same exact manner expecting everything to be just's time to try something new. While the old adage of "if it's not broke, don't fix it" may ramble through your head...remember you got to the career of your choice by being on the leading edge. 
  2. Multitasking Becomes Your Norm and Not the Exception: First, there is nothing wrong with multitasking except that you may miss an opportunity to learn something new when you spread yourself too thin. The ability to focus and grow you skills requires dedication and commitment is an acquired skill. Now is the time to tap into that so you can really take notice of pearls of wisdom in everything you do. 
  3. It was Y2K when You Last Enrolled in a Training Course This is beyond someone saying there is an App for that. Some agencies proactively encourage staff to take professional development training that will be mutually beneficial. So, what are you waiting for? Look up some courses, get selected to take your business skills to the next level and ramp up for your learning adventure. 
  4. Your Career Goals Continue to Evolve. Everyone starts with grandiose dreams about their professional lives and many of us achieve them in our own space and time. Moreover, as we begin to excel in our chosen field, we also become more selective about the types of tasks, career paths and organizations we wish to work with. Basically, we all want some sort of work-life balance that does not require us to work 120 hour weeks with no results or recognition. 
  5. Narrow Career Fields. Remember when you started your job and all you needed was a degree and you were hired? Times have changed and most organizations expect new hires to have industry-specific credentials and a college education to help them advance their goals. 
  6. Organization Transitions are Continuous. Organizations in public and private sector continue to be in a state of flux. This means that organizations are changing, personnel will change and overall goals will change too. So how do you stay on stop of things? Check out free online courses, professional industry workshops and MOOCs for diverse educational opportunities. 
  7. Routine Work Assignments are Your Norm. Next time you are in the office or in a work meeting, listen to your your colleagues talk about their work assignments. Are their efforts on the leading edge? Or in support of legacy programs that are about to be decommissioned? If you are not innovating, chances are you have routine work assignments. While that helps to pay the bills, does it feed your passion for the work you enjoy? If not, take an assessment of your  efforts, review your agency's current goals and generate some new ideas to get their. Your  imagination is a limitless possibility of net-gen opportunities. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Tips and Tricks to Build a Better Blog

By Tracey Batacan
Blogs are a great way to communicate a variety of timely information to vast audiences in bite-sized formats. Some blogs may be very successful while others struggle to maintain their content for niche audiences. So how does one create and sustain a blog? Take a look at some of these tips and tricks to building a better blog. 
  • Call for Bloggers: Great ideas come from a variety of viewpoints. One of the best tips for building a better blog is to create and maintain a diverse blogger community ready to share their ideas and blogs. The goal is ensuring you reach out and connect with them on a regular basis via emails, group chats and more to review blog topics and new concepts. Also, create a feedback loop to inform bloggers about their submissions, editorial changes to their content as well ask for input or suggestions about the blog.  
  • Blog Process: How many times have you created a new communications tool, but the project did not move forward due to an overly complicated process? Keep the blog process short and to the point from the ideation of topics, through the approval process to the publication and promotion. For example, keep the blogging process at 5 to 6 simple steps. 
  • Mobile vs Print: Check your content to make sure it is 508-compliant and accessible to all audiences. Also, folks like to have mobile-ready blogs to take with them on the go so they can share it with other like-minded professionals. Test out your blogs on multiple browser platforms to make sure it meets the best viewing capacity. Lastly, create an opportunity for readers to print your blog collection so they can share it with others. 
  • Marketing: David Avrin, author of the book “Visibility Marketing” once said, “at the beginning of the day it’s about quality and at the end of the day it’s about competitive advantage.” Your goal is to create and promote a blog that is relatable, attainable, funny at times, always informative, and serves as the leading edge of news and information. This includes building a strong brand for your blog so that people begin to look forward to the latest updates, share, like, or re-Tweet readily.  So, promote the blog abundantly with zeal to get people talking about new and upcoming content. 
  • Take Risks: It is okay to try something new and exciting to launch your blog. Some people feel it is easier to follow existing processes instead of creating new ones. While existing SOPs may serve as a baseline, everything can use a bit of process improvement to make sure the project runs smoothly.  Therefore, the ability to create and maintain a blog that is both visually compelling with great storytelling requires taking a certain amount of risk on everything from the bloggers, to the layout, blog design, and marketing concepts. It may help to change one’s perspective about risk-taking so that your blog can break the mold and release your organization from legacy practices that no longer work.

View the original blog online @FedCommunicatorsNetwork

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Next Gen Communications Planning

by Tracey Batacan
One of the cool things about being a professional communicator is being on the leading edge of a new communications project. The adventure begins when you start working on new projects under deadline pressure and stress only to make it to the finish line successfully.
While there are many options for designing and implementing a communications plan for your organization’s latest and greatest “it” program, it does require you to take the time to build a solid communications program that your agency can sustain.
Some of the best communications plans can serve as the glue that will hold your communications office together and ensure accountability while making your brand stand out. Once this happens, people will line up to learn more about implementing their Next Gen Communications Plan.
So how do you get started? There are four quick steps to the Next Gen Communications Plan.
Communication Plan Flowchart of the four steps
  1. What is the WIIFM?
Professional communicators will always learn more about the “What’s In It For Me” or “WIIFM” when designing a new communications plan to support a new product or service launch. Then they will work with the client to clearly identify the tangible benefits users will find with the new item.
It takes a great deal of selflessness to determine what interests your target audience and so sacrifices must be made to gain solid ground here. Leverage tech tools like online surveys to learn more about what your audience, what they seek as far as products, services and types of messaging as part of your Next Gen Communications Plan research.
  1. Communications Channels
It is important to know that a one-size fits all communications plan is not the best way to launch your client’s products and services into the mainstream. Take the time during client meetings to build a rapport and learn more about the product’s lifecycle and development origins. Then create opportunities to effectively communicate relevant details to the target audience.
This also includes learning what communications tools are available to your client. Learn the pros and cons of various communications tools to improve visibility on what the target audience will or will not notice. Then brainstorm with the client to develop messaging and identify the most effective communications tools to deliver the message to your stakeholders.
  1. Build the Brand 
It takes more than gusto to build the brand. It requires creative direction, dedicated resources, collaboration with marketing/sales teams, access to creative services, and much more. Consequently, building the brand requires a combination of business skills and creativity. The best communicators will know that budgets, ad/sales goals and access to a multimedia team will make the implementation of the communications plan easier to execute.
For those worried about tight or no budgets, check with your internal partner organizations about leveraging their creative teams’ services for small projects. You may find that they may be able to help you design and implement your communications projects with little or no costs because your organizations exist in the same agency.
  1. Measure and Maintain
The easiest thing to do is to build a plan; the hard part is to maintain it. When you design the Communications Plan, ensure that you and your clients can maintain the momentum to build the brand. This may require long hours of thankless tasks all in the pursuit of building on the communications plan you executed.
Measuring your communications tactics will add value to the communications plan implementation. It helps to constantly measure your outputs, check them against your previous months’ communications goals, and make course corrections as needed.
Do some research on what measurement tools work for you. There are many readily available online tools to measure the impact of your communication plan messages to help lighten the load of tracking your data.
Originally published on the Federal Communicators Network

How to Tackle Team Resources Issues

by Tracey Batacan
Infographic showing the four phases of tackling team resources issues
Once upon a time, some government communications offices were fully staffed with large teams of experts who diligently presided over projects their respective projects until completion. They were considered the subject matter experts (SMEs) who would never leave their federal agencies except for retirement or a new promotional opportunity. 
This type of business model has changed over time and resulted in the reduction of staff in some government communications offices due to downsizing, reorganization and attrition.   
Yet, the demand of their work continues to be highly sought after despite the minimal amount of staff available to sustain it. 
So how does one run a communications office with little to no staff? It takes a radical approach to how we do business. Start by having an honest conversation with your leadership team about realistic goals, timelines, and their vision of the communications efforts.  Also discuss any additional staffing, assets (software and hardware), tools, and services that are needed to achieve successful results. 
For example, communications managers will need to redefine the meaning of the word team. There is a difference in the type of work load that a team of 12 federal communicators can complete successfully compared to a team of two.  In addition, some of us think of the federal communications office as the hub of information ran by a large group of talented people who work lock-step on communications projects as the “only” type of team. They all work in one general location and are always a phone call away. This is a legacy construct of how to run a communications program using a limited number of staff which now requires a more leading-edge approach.
Consequently, government communicators need to reimagine ways to sustain their communications programs by leveraging a more agile, mobile and flexible team. Consider the “ad-hoc staff” approach which assembles a team of multi-faceted experts to collaborate on multiple projects. The “ad-hoc squad” can create a “working party” process to tackling agency communications projects and also serve as an informal network of SMEs that can readily share resources. 
Some may consider this a band-aid solution to a very real-problem. Yet, this can also allow you to better target necessary skills, staff behaviors and more by leveraging rotating teams to complete various goals. 
So where do you find them? Look internally to the various organizations that have communications resources, multi-media services and more. Then begin to network and negotiate with the organization’s leadership to obtain members of their staff to support short-term projects and set the foundation for long-term goals. 
There are four phases to this process:
Phase 1: 
Identify the issues that create a lack of resources for your communications team. A lack of staff does not mean that an agency’s communications programs needs to go under. It does however mean that the agency will have to rethink their communications priorities, see how they coincide with the agency’s strategic plans and make course corrections as needed. 
For example, determine the short-term and long-term goals for your agency’s communications endeavors and map out how to source them. 
Phase 2:
Leverage some old fashioned “ideation” to trouble-shoot your resource issue. This includes creating some realistic goals, reinventing the concept of the word “TEAM.” Teams are people who come together for short and long-term projects and may also include representatives from partner agencies. 
How is that possible? This requires gaining access to available staff by communicating your goals with internal and external colleagues. 
Phase 3: 
The ability to team up with other federal partners to achieve your communications’ goals is something that may seem a bit risky and well, scary for some communicators out there. However, once you learn how to make strategic partnerships and leverage their skills, you will be able to gain access to the very resources you seek. 
Also, consider leveraging established programs like professional development details, rotational assignments and Pathways student programs to supplement your communications office staffing to achieve requirements. The diverse mix of professional and student resources can result in a positive, creative environment for your program. 
Phase 4:
Continue to communicate and coordinate with your agency leadership through the entire process of accessing and acquiring additional resources. Then activate your plan. Once you assemble your new communications team, make sure to share details regarding everyone’s roles, responsibilities and the overall goals. 
Encourage everyone on the team to feel empowered to share ideas and solve problem along the way to ensure your communications projects launch successfully.  

View the original blog on the Federal Communicators Network

Top 7 Social Media Calendar Planning Tips

By Tracey Batacan
Some government organizations are beginning to tap into the potential of leveraging social media channels to amplify their brand, foster two-way communications with stakeholders as well as keep target audiences informed about organizational news. While these new media tools are a great resource, it does require some prep work in advance before publishing your first tweet, post, or image. 
Yet some people may hesitate at the thought of planning things out so far in advance. There is a way to jump into the foray of developing a social media calendar that is dynamic and flexible. Check out the quick tips. 
Top 7 Social Media Calendar Planning Tips
  1. Research and document annual industry events that correlate to your agency’s mission.
  2. Focus on expanding your stakeholder network to increase situational awareness about emerging trends that may influence messaging. 
  3. Collaborate with a diverse team representing internal organizations to ensure that you have a more global view of your agency’s specific social media messaging goals. This will also prevent “group think” from happening. 
  4. Map it out. Take the time to outline your 1-year social media messages calendar with primary and secondary messaging goals. 
  5. Allow your social media calendar to incorporate the flexibility to add breaking news messages at the last-minute to show that you are keeping your finger on the pulse of news and information. 
  6. Work with your branding team in advance to make sure that all of your social media channels have the same look and feel to promote the brand effectively. 
  7. Lastly, measure your results. Check your social media analytics after each post to learn what works, how your messaging is viewed by target audiences and identify the need to make changes to your strategy based on verifiable results.

View the original blog on the Federal Communicators Network

Newsletter Design Elements 101

By Tracey Batacan
Some organizations use newsletters as a communications tool to inform and engage target audiences, promote the organizational brand, and highlight success stories. The newsletter has evolved from an analog, paper-driven document to an e-publication that often includes video clips, images, graphics and more. So how does one create an engaging organizational newsletter? Check out the top 7 Newsletter Design Tips below to start your journey.
  1. Newsletter Branding
Creating the look and feel of a newsletter is the first step in developing your organization’s newsletter brand design. Start by partnering with diverse, creative minds to generate ideas on how to use and place the organization’s logo and develop the publication masthead. The goal is to create a simple yet powerful design that will promote the brand while providing timely news and information. Contact your internal branding team to obtain insights into the current organizational style guide requirements as part of your planning and development.
  1. Selecting Newsletter Topics
Leverage resources such as historical data, mini focus groups or short surveys to obtain insight into the content that interests your readers. For example, review past publications to identify article trends such as what works and what did not work. Create your newsletter strategy around this data which will help you avoid a myopic view of news story submissions.
  1. Draw the Reader’s Eye In
Think about ways to visually engage the reader by using more impactful images and new page layouts instead of just lines and rows of unending text.  One way to get started includes conducting online research to view other organizations’ magazines, newsletters or e-publications and develop ways to duplicate their designs.
  1. Generate Fresh Content
Creating and sustaining a newsletter/e-publication requires some strategic planning on the editor’s part to avoid the potential gaps in the production cycle. Some newsletter editors design and implement an editorial calendar that creates a 30/60/90 supply of news stories. Using this process will require collaborating with people in different organizations, teams, and locations regularly to create content. Also, create a tangible news story guideline document to share with your contributors so you can set them up for success. Take the time to review and revise your story guidelines at least twice a year as a way of keeping being open to new topics.
  1. Approval Process
Work with your communications leadership team to make the news article approval process streamlined and simple. Review your approval process and make sure there are only 2 to 3 levels of approval to make it easy to get content published promptly. Also, you can reduce your newsletter production cycle time by a few days by ensuring articles approved in advance.
  1. News Story Submission Feedback Loop
Have you ever submitted a news story or Op-Ed to a publication only to never hear from the organization about your submission? It is frustrating for contributors to send stories in regularly and they never obtain information about the approval status. Newsletter editors need to develop and adhere to a feedback loop that provides writers with concrete details about their work. Editors can enhance this process by creating “boilerplate” language regarding the approval status of content submissions. Editors can tactfully share the feedback and tangible examples with the writers, so they can learn how to develop content and revise and resubmit their stories.
  1. Design a Publication Production Wall
Ok, a show of hands…how many of you think of yourself as designers or the “creative type”? Everyone should have their hand in the air. For those looking for an opportunity to channel their inner newsletter editor, remind yourself that creativity often starts with inspiration. Encourage your team to share their ideas and inspiration regarding the look and feel of the new publication. And don’t shy away from using different color palettes and page layouts. Once the editorial team finalizes the content, create a Newsletter/E-publication Production Wall to view the hard copy layouts. The Newsletter/E-publication Production Wall creates a visual review of all content and fosters an open forum for sharing ideas. Then encourage your editorial team to add suggestions or comments by placing sticky notes on the stories posted to the production wall.
Designing an innovative newsletter is hard work, but it can also be fun. It simply requires taking a risk and changing your approach to the process.

View the original on the Federal Communicators Network

7 Quick Tips to implement your Exit Strategy for New Beginnings

The days when people worked for the same organization for 20 years are over ever since people began to realize that they the opportunity to...