Thursday, February 6, 2014

Recipe for Success at the Office

Remember the last time you received an assignment at work? Do you recall the instructions you received for creating the required outcome? Take a moment to reflect on what you tend to do- follow the instructions succinctly or vary the process to achieve the most optimal results.

Sometimes the route we take to complete tasks impact our ability to achieve success. For example, following the instructions without any deviation allows you to check the box that you did the "right thing." However, the opportunity to be creative, learn and grow your skills will be limited because you are only willing to do what is required, no more or no less.

Take a risk when working on your next assignment to see if you can obtain better results by varying the process. Also, learn to feel comfortable challenging the status quo regarding processes that no longer work.

Think of tasks at work like a cooking recipe. Ensure you have all of the ingredients, tools and information to make coordinated decisions, then be creative in completing the work.

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